2021-01-01 to 2021-12-31, FAI Category 2 event


Total results (FTV: 25%)


Results include only those pilots where ca:Federacao equals FVLERJ

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor T 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 Total
1 14765 Erico Oliveira M BRA [CCC] NIVIUK ICEPEAK X1 ACTIONFLY RIO / NIVIUK BR / CSCVL 887 897/915 954 991 2842
2 32345 Mario de Queiroz Monteiro M BRA [CCC] NIVIUK ICEPEAK EVOX NENHUM 910 949 7/870 945 2811
3 44099 thiago candiogo de mendonça M BRA [Serial] FLOW XCRACER 961 922 793 1/426 2677
4 54916 Bruno Moreira M BRA [Serial] FLOW XCRACER 898 880 861 1/299 2640
5 15239 Rogerio Santos Felix M BRA [Serial] FLOW XCRACER UV.LINE 291 935 849 804/820 2588
6 7117 Mauricio Albuquerque M BRA [CCC] OZONE ENZO 3 GUARATIBA FLY ESCOLA DE VOO LIVRE 876 7/769 842 832 2557
7 14813 Alexandre Malcher M BRA [CCC] OZONE ENZO 3 Fazenda Malcher 618 913 851 1/182 2383
8 14866 Elisa P. E. F BRA [Sport] OZONE DELTA 2 CF 557 1/142 925 821 2304
9 15078 Drauzio Junior M BRA [CCC] NIVIUK ICEPEAK EVOX GIE SEGUROS 606 749 782 1/373 2138
10 48880 leandro PC M BRA [Serial] FLOW XCRACER 298 715 505/515 823 2043
11 20242 Fernando Vieira do Nascimento M BRA [Serial] OZONE ZENO USINANDO 36 741 933 259/264 1933
12 55480 Raphael de Freitas Esteves Dias M BRA [Sport] OZONE DELTA 3 609 429 863 1/407 1902
13 36345 wellington santos de oliveira M BRA [Serial] NIVIUK PEAK 3 JWPERSONALIZAÇÃO #VEM 166 649 885 205/209 1739
14 31310 Daniel Mayall Morais de Araujo M BRA [Sport] OZONE DELTA 3 ECCO - ENERGY CONSULTING COMPANY 870 559 23 247 1676
15 33941 Cleyton Vedrano M BRA [Sport] OZONE DELTA 3 REDZERO 311 626 1/65 621 1559
16 43264 marcos paulo domingos torres M BRA [Sport] FLOW FUSION 325 349/356 534 588 1471
17 54961 Marcos Henrique Dias Do Nascimento M BRA [CCC] FLOW SPECTRA 288 756 2/224 361 1407
17 6001 Carlos Niemeyer M BRA [Serial] GIN LEOPARD AEROS 657 750 0 0 1407
19 52089 Isabela Sales F BRA [Serial] SKYWALK POISON XALPS QG DO VOO LIVRE / SKYWALK BRASIL/ SAFO RIO 311 2/174 879 195 1387
20 125 Rafael Saladini M BRA [CCC] OZONE ENZO 3 290 999 0 0 1289
21 45998 Rodrigo Martins Dondi M BRA [Serial] OZONE ZENO OFICINA MECANICA DO RODRIGO 0 0 487 784 1271
22 5115 Fabricio decker Schmitz M BRA [Serial] AIRDESIGN PURE 3 .... 539 174 531 44 1244
23 17353 darlan gomes de oliveira M BRA [Open] NIVIUK ICE PEAK EVOX 0 0 877 339 1216
24 920 Andre Luiz Pereira e Souza M BRA [CCC] FLOW SPECTRA ADVENTURE PLANET / FLOW PARAGLIDERS 202 777 2/199 208 1189
25 59686 Eduardo reis martins M BRA [Sport Lite] GIN CARRERA PLUS ATŪKER SPORTS / ALTITUDE PARAPENTE 143 352 61 570 1065
26 21736 Rogerio Lamour M BRA Ozone vibe L ESCOLA DE VÔO LIVRE NITERÓI PARAPENTES 274 27 748 18 1049
27 30300 Gilmar Menzine Coelho M BRA [CCC] OZONE ENZO 3 320 726 0 0 1046
28 48066 Alexandre Nascimento Ramos M BRA [Serial] FLOW XCRACER @ARCUSTOMSHAPES 506 501 0 0 1007
29 49499 Rodrigo Bastos de andrade M BRA [Open] GIN BOOMERANG 10 0 0 280 717 997
30 21660 Carlos Henrique Carvalho (Carlão) M BRA [Sport] SKYWALK CAYENNE 6 ESCOLA DE VOO LIVRE ASAS DA SERRA 523 463 0 0 986
31 23649 Rafael Gomes Xavier M BRA [Sport] GIN BONANZA 2 845 96 0 0 941
32 51780 Leonard Wollmann M BRA [Sport] FLOW FUSION 497 434 0 0 931
33 55616 Luan Lima Bastos M BRA [CCC] SOL LT ONE 587 182 0 0 769
34 39620 Ulisses Morgenstern Russo M BRA [Sport] TRIPLE SEVEN QUEEN 2 0 0 418 335 753
35 27399 Felipe Ity M BRA [Sport] SKYWALK CAYENNE 5 SKATE ROCK 0 0 99 618 717
36 26076 Alexandre Haegler M BRA [Sport Lite] SKYWALK CHILI 4 333 363 0 0 696
37 68719 Bruno Cardoso de Menezes M BRA [Sport Lite] DUDEK OPTIC 2 REDLEY 149 27 358 173 680
38 9051 Dalton Scherrer Machado M BRA [CCC] OZONE ENZO 2 GIE CORRETORA DE SEGUROS LTDA 0 26/27 509 52 587
39 18604 Marcelo Calheiros de Queiroz M BRA [Serial] FLOW XCRACER ICE BARRA 273 27 65 239 577
40 29859 Francisco adilson costa ribeiro M BRA [Serial] Niviuk Peak 4 DREAM FLY PARAPENTE RJ 0 0 296 209 505
41 31649 Marcelo Dias Lopes M BRA [Serial] OZONE ZENO PARAPENTE BRASIL 59 393 0 0 452
42 31910 Andre do Ponte Celestino M BRA [Sport] SKYWALK CAYENNE 5 SONHO DE VOAR 0 0 260 187 447
43 63412 Priscila Moreira Maldonado F BRA [Sport Lite] AirDesign Rise 2 83 165 41 192 440
44 22873 Alex de Andrade M BRA [Sport] SKYWALK CAYENNE 5 A2 VOO LIVRE 0 0 25 411 436
45 34317 Danilo Cardoso Vieira M BRA [Sport] SKYWALK CAYENNE 6 36 0 366 29 431
46 33256 cleiton da silva david M BRA [Serial] NIVIUK PEAK4 0 0 214 159 373
47 31562 Henrique C. M BRA [Lite] ADVANCE IOTA 2 IMAGEM 22 25233111 0 0 97 239 336
48 12141 André Martins M BRA [Open] OZONE ENZO 2 BAR DO CACHORRAO 0 0 64 264 328
49 21616 Flávio Santos M BRA [Serial] OZONE ZENO JESUS CRISTO. 0 0 85 201 286
50 72751 Phil Haegler M BRA [Sport Lite] SKYWALK CHILI 4 83 175 0 0 258
51 36326 Alexandre Neves Cesar Leal M BRA [Sport] TRIPLE SEVEN QUEEN2 36 221 0 0 257
52 37166 caio cesar da silva barbosa M BRA [Lite] SOL PARAGLIDER ATMUS 2 CLUBE RIO BONITO DE VOO LIVRE - C2FLY ESCOLA DE VOO 0 0 18 208 226
53 44032 Ian Fernandes Rocha M BRA [Sport Lite] SKYWALK CHILI 4 161 27 0 0 188
54 76227 Marcos Vinícius Vieira Drago M BRA [Sport] ADVANCE SIGMA 10 88 27 0 0 115
55 37479 M BRA [Serial] OZONE MANTRA 7 82 27 0 0 109
56 50532 Luciano Alves Da Silva M BRA [Sport] SKYWALK CAYENNE 5 CHEIRO DE NUVEM AIRLINES 0 0 28 65 93
57 26425 Eneida Maria Pires dos Santos F BRA [Sport] MACPARA ELAN 60 27 0 0 87
58 44766 Marco Vinicius Azevedo violante M BRA [Serial] NIVIUK PEAK4 CLUBE RIO BONITO DE VOO LIVRE ( CRBVL)/PREFEITURA DE RIO BONITO 0 0 18 52 70
59 44816 Paulo Roberto Rodrigues Moraes Silva M BRA [Sport] SKYWALK CAYENNE 5 0 0 18 18 36
60 25663 Sergio Mauricio dos Anjos Junior M BRA [Lite] SOL SYCROSS WWW.SERGIOMAURICIOJR.COM.BR 0 0 28 0 28
61 12547 gerci trevenzolli M BRA [Sport] SKYWALK CAYENNE 6 0 0 0 27 27

Task Date Distance
FTV Validity
T1 GOVERNADOR VALADARES - SABADO 2021-02-13 11:00    46.1 97.1% Race to goal
T2 GOVERNADOR VALADARES - DOMINGO 2021-02-14 11:00    47.2 99.9% Race to goal
T3 SÃO LOURENÇO - SABADO 2021-08-14 10:30    53.9 99.8% Race to goal
T4 SÃO LOURENÇO - DOMINGO 2021-08-15 10:30    60.5 99.3% Race to goal

Report created: 2021-08-17T21:38:26-03:00

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